Friday, October 24, 2014


Matthew 24:44 (NKJV)  Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.

I recently with with a group of women from my church to see the new Left Behind movie.  I was excited to see Nicolas Cage in the role, and I expected that it would be a good Christian movie. It was good, as far as acting.  But the plot line, the Christian aspect left me expecting more.  The movie depicts the rapture, that is all.  The people left behind are left questioning with no real answers.  There is some conclusions drawn and briefly shared about the Christian belief of the rapture.  As a Hollywood film, it likely did what it intended.  As a Christian film, it was left wanting.

Don't get me wrong, I laughed and I jumped (a couple times) even though I expected the next scene.  I even cried, although it was not for the movie, but the reality of what I am expecting will happen.  I cried, because I expect the event depicted to happen.  I cried because the people left on that plane, and on the earth were left behind.  That is the reality of what will happen when the Son of Man returns. My compassion for the lost brought me tears.

Christ will return at an hour we do not expect.  Am I living intentionally?  Am I reaching the lost  intentionally?  Am I planting seeds for others to water and help grow, intentionally? Am I intentional in my witness?  If I am not, I can expect others to be left behind.


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