Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I have been reading the Bait of Satan by John Bevere. Well technically I read it, then at the beginning of the year I decided to do the study and really digest what was in the book. I admit, as I read it, I could think of a few other people "who needed to read this book," I didn't think I had a problem with unforgiveness or offense.

Last night I finished day 25, and well maybe I do have a problem. Any time I hear a message about forgiveness, I do a brief search of people and think that I do not have any people in my life that I have not asked for forgiveness for or that I need to forgive. Last night, the study talked about emotions, and I had four listed on the negative side - OUCH! I admit that I knew that they were things I needed to work on, things even that God has been dealing with me about - being judgemental, bitterness, anger and pride. However, I never connected it with unforgiveness.

So I was still asking God today who I needed to forgive, I could not think of anyone I held something against. Then that quiet still voice said "Where do those feelings of judgement, bitterness, anger and pride usually show themselves?" Being the person that I am, I immediately said "oh just at random times." And being the God that knows me better than I know myself, he sent me two or three other gentle nudges throughout the day. The radio DJ's in the am and pm talked about forgiveness in one way or another. It seemed that the songs that came on the radio that really spoke to me were about forgiveness, and then I got that "See What I AM Talking About" message as God pointed out several behaviors that I exhibited today that were rooted in offense and unforgiveness.

So consider the message received, and accepted. I take responsibility for my unforgiveness. I need Christ's forgiveness, and it is directly tied to my forgiveness of others. I cancel all offenses against me through the grace of God.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - so great to hear you've been blessed by "The Bait of Satan" ... We are so proud of you! Keep pursuing Him!

    Visit our blog @ www.MessengerInternational.blogspot.com!
