Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It is not just giving

I have heard Philippians 4:19 quoted so many times "And my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches and glory by Jesus Christ" as a verse to say God will give you everything you need. While that may be true, in the context it was written their need was going to be met because they had given in sacrifice to support the ministry.

So many times we want the promises of God without the cost. This church was the only one that supported Paul in the beginning of his ministry. They shared in his troubles, When Paul's was in need, these people sent over and over again.

Paul said "I don't need now." He just wanted them to have the credit to their account - not their bank accounts, but their spiritual accounts. The account where zero is not the bottom line, but God is the only line. He will make sure that we have what we need, when we are actively pursuing to supply and further His kingdom. When furthering His kingdom is our bottom line, He will supply all our needs, so that we can focus on that mission, through his riches and glory.

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