Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Because You said so

So many times growing up I remember my mom saying "Because I said so" in response to my endless questions of why. Or to my complaints or excuses as I tried to get out of 'whatever' I was doing or not doing at the time. I truly hated that response. Yet, often I find myself resorting to those same words with my children. Oh, how I long for the day when my kids will say "I got it done, because you said so."

An interesting story in the Bible is found in Luke 5, it is the story of Peter's calling. Jesus is teaching people all around. Jesus says (My paraphrasing) "Hey, let me borrow your boat so I can sit down and teach." Without question, Peter did it.

Then Jesus teaches and preaches to the people around. When he is finished, He returns his attention back to Peter. Jesus tells him to go back out in the deep water and let down his nets. Peter tells Jesus why he shouldn't do this, but still says "I'll do i because you said so."

When Peter obeyed, the response was more than He expected. It was such a big response that his partners, and other boats around were blessed also - out of his overflow.

What a lesson - when God's Word, or even that still small voice inside us tells us to do something - even if it seems insignificant or something we have done before without response, we need to obey because " He said So." You never know what that simple act of obedience will bring, who will be touched or how much will be accomplished.

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