Sunday, October 7, 2012

Open the floodgates

As we were in praise and worship tonight singing "Let it Rain, Let it rain, open the floodgates of Heaven" it occurred  to me that typically I personally sing this sing talking about my open life.  Thinking "God pour out your Spirit in my life, open the flood gates of Heaven in my life."  It occurred to me, especially in the context of revival that the "Let it rain" part of the song is for the Church, but when the floodgates of Heaven are opened, our city, region, nation and world will be changed.

In the natural sense,  when the rain waters come down too hard and fast, or slow and over an extended time, floodgates are opened to lower the water level.  When the flood gates are opened, the land down from it is flooded.  Depending on how long and wide the flood gates are opened, makes a difference on the regions that get flooded. It also matters if the towns down river from the flood gates have set up sandbags and levees to deter the water.

As I let this sink down in my soul, I couldn't help but pray and sing a little louder that God would send the rain.  That the church would be so saturated that as the doors of the Church opened as people left, the floodgates of Heaven would be opened over this region and that lives would be changed.

Lives will be changed, not because someone was invited to church or to a powerful service, but because the Christian's leaving the building would be so full of God, that Heaven would be flowing in and through them to the lives of all they come in contact.  that the Spirit would overtake those, so that they would also be filled and overflowing with the Spirit of God, and so forth until this region is saturated, completely consumed with the flood of the flow of the Holy Spirit in and through us.  As the region is filled, the flood would continue on until the Spirit is free, flow in in every region under the sun. 

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