Wednesday, July 14, 2010

True Freedom comes through Submission

I was teaching a group today on how our behaviors are motivated by needs that we want met. One of the needs identified was the need for freedom. Under the description one of the statements read "the need for freedom is met when do do something that we don't have to do."

Tonight in church our discipleship class talked about "How to Have a Dynamic relationship between Leaders and Followers." We were talking about submitting to those in authority over us. Pastor Curtis Holt pointed out that our leaders are held accountable for the decisions they make, we are held accountable for the way that we handle our opinion and words. He said "It's not submission until you disagree with it."

I realized as he said that, true freedom comes when we chose to submit to those in authority over us, especially if we don't want to. We always have a choice to submit. Even in the worst circumstances a person can go down fighting when they are forced to do something against their will. But true freedom comes when we make the choice to submit with a good attitude and right heart even when we disagree with it.


  1. I have a recovery group at my church, that I lead. I tell the group that true freedom is realized when a person sees that they have the "choice" to choose NOT to do something, i.e. like use drugs when they are faced with the temptation, react angrily when they really want to blow up, etc... We are empowered as humans, as believers when we see plainly the "right" and the "wrong" choice but CHOOSE the right response. In my opinion that is the true definition of "freedom in Christ".

  2. I meant "react calmly when they really want to blow up"
