Monday, December 29, 2008

Answered Prayers

I am ending this 2008 year with great hopes for the new year. You see at the beginning of the year I visited my cousin's church. I don't remember why I was there, just that I was over taken by emotion seeing my cousin, her spouse, their three children, their significant others, and their children all sitting there together. Just the year before I remember visiting with my cousin, and she wanted to go to the church, but didn't want to go alone. It was such a blessing to witness that, and I started my prayer that I too would see this in my own family.

Today, I got to experience that first hand. Of course, we were late so we were kind of spread out, but Tim was there with me, at my side. Billie Jo was in the kid class - along with Katie (My niece) and Malachi (Tim's nephew). Dallas was behind us with Shane (my nephew). Laurin was sitting next to Garrit (My nephew) and my mom was sitting next to my sister. And an added bonus, my adopted spiritual kid (Still waiting to see him adopted into God's family) was sitting next to Tim.

So I admit, Tim didn't come completely of his own free will - there were ten of us and while Laurin can drive, she can only legally drive with one person under the age of nineteen outside her immediate family. Mom doesn't drive very far, so that ruled her out - which just left Tim. But he was there! It is an answered prayer - especially since it was not one of those Christmas programs or Easter programs which he has to attend.

PS - thanks Christine Caine for the advice during the 2007 Joyce Meyer's Women;s Conference - it worked!!!

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