Jackie's Thoughts and Revelations
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Thursday, April 16, 2015
The little things
As I read the scriptures though, there is a consistent theme of God wanting to be in the small details. I think about how He wanted the ark made, or the temple, or the tabernacle. He cared about the very intricate details. He cared so much, that he took the time to spell out every detail in His Word.
Like the colors of the thread
You shall make a veil woven of blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and fine woven linen. It shall be woven with an artistic design of cherubim. Exodus 26:31
Or the rings that hold the bars
Overlay the frames with gold, and make gold rings to hold the crossbars. Overlay the crossbars with gold as well. Exodus 26:29
And the loops of yarn
Put loops of blue yarn along the edge of the last curtain in each set. The fifty loops along the edge of one curtain are to match the fifty loops along the edge of the other curtain. Exodus 26:4-5
He cared enough about these small details to speak it out in His instructions to Moses. That really catches my attention.
There are so many things that I think "I want to ask God for this..." They are the big things, things I know that I can not do in and of myself. I realize that without Him these things would not come to pass. In the scheme of this vast universe, even my giant things are small to Him.
The truth is God wants to be in the small things. He cares about our big things, but He will also take time to pour Himself into even the smallest parts of our life if we will ask Him, if we will let Him. If God cares about the color of the strings on a curtain, the design that is created by man, how much more does He care about the masterpiece that He created?
Like the colors of the thread
You shall make a veil woven of blue, purple, and scarlet thread, and fine woven linen. It shall be woven with an artistic design of cherubim. Exodus 26:31
Or the rings that hold the bars
Overlay the frames with gold, and make gold rings to hold the crossbars. Overlay the crossbars with gold as well. Exodus 26:29
And the loops of yarn
Put loops of blue yarn along the edge of the last curtain in each set. The fifty loops along the edge of one curtain are to match the fifty loops along the edge of the other curtain. Exodus 26:4-5
He cared enough about these small details to speak it out in His instructions to Moses. That really catches my attention.
There are so many things that I think "I want to ask God for this..." They are the big things, things I know that I can not do in and of myself. I realize that without Him these things would not come to pass. In the scheme of this vast universe, even my giant things are small to Him.
The truth is God wants to be in the small things. He cares about our big things, but He will also take time to pour Himself into even the smallest parts of our life if we will ask Him, if we will let Him. If God cares about the color of the strings on a curtain, the design that is created by man, how much more does He care about the masterpiece that He created?
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Mercy, Grace and forgiveness
Realizing the difference between Mercy, Grace and Forgiveness is important. There are times where we look at forgiveness and think that because we act differently that we have forgiven. However, sometimes that is just a lie that we tell ourselves that opens us up to a stronghold in our life.
There are times that we mistake mercy for forgiveness. We pretend that because we have not taken revenge or because the person has not received what they deserved that we have forgiven. We need to give mercy, but it is not forgiveness. Mercy is a covering, but that is not forgiveness. God's mercy keeps us from the death and life separated from Him that we really deserve. We can cover someone's mistake and not forgive them. In the Old Testament the lambs blood covered the people's sin when it was sacrificed, but it could not forgive them.
Other times we mistake grace for forgiveness. We go about trying to "bless those who persecute us." Again this is Biblical, but it is not forgiveness. Grace is God's unmerited favor. God pours out his blessings on the just and the unjust. The unjust have not received forgiveness. We can bless people without forgiving.
Forgiveness releases people from their sin and wrong doing. Christ's blood not only covered our sins, it opened the door for forgiveness. Sin is gone from God's sight when He looks at us, to be remembered no more. We can have mercy and grace but not forgiveness in our heart. However where there is forgiveness there will be mercy and grace.
There are times that we mistake mercy for forgiveness. We pretend that because we have not taken revenge or because the person has not received what they deserved that we have forgiven. We need to give mercy, but it is not forgiveness. Mercy is a covering, but that is not forgiveness. God's mercy keeps us from the death and life separated from Him that we really deserve. We can cover someone's mistake and not forgive them. In the Old Testament the lambs blood covered the people's sin when it was sacrificed, but it could not forgive them.
Other times we mistake grace for forgiveness. We go about trying to "bless those who persecute us." Again this is Biblical, but it is not forgiveness. Grace is God's unmerited favor. God pours out his blessings on the just and the unjust. The unjust have not received forgiveness. We can bless people without forgiving.
Forgiveness releases people from their sin and wrong doing. Christ's blood not only covered our sins, it opened the door for forgiveness. Sin is gone from God's sight when He looks at us, to be remembered no more. We can have mercy and grace but not forgiveness in our heart. However where there is forgiveness there will be mercy and grace.
Friday, March 13, 2015
I like to make plans, I admit sometimes they are last minute, but I like to plan things out, have tasks to complete and see something put together. But a lot of times I frustrate myself in the planning process instead of just trusting God's plans and allowing them to happen. I know that His plans are greater than mine.
Jeremiah 29:10
Proverbs 16:3
Proverbs 16:9
Proverbs 19:21
Jeremiah 29:10
Proverbs 16:3
Proverbs 16:9
Proverbs 19:21
Thursday, March 5, 2015
Taking Notice
The other day I met an interesting young woman who was good at taking notice. Our conversation was interesting as she attempted to analyze my handwriting, then attempted to analyze me. Many things she said were quite accurate, and not easily known. Other things were way off.
What stuck me about our conversation is that she said she knew she always had the gift, and thinks that most people do, but that she second guessed herself until she really took time to develop it. As we talked, how she described this gift was much like Patrick Jane in the Mentalist television show. She watches people, she reads the body language and subtle ques. I made that comment that most people could do this, but we are too busy to take the time. She agreed and attempted to encourage me where I was.
I was sharing this interaction with some friends, they asked if it made me feel creepy or ill at ease as she shared these things. It didn't, because I know that most people who take time can read the things that she was able to see. I was able to share with her my Christian viewpoint, and I believe that is why the door was really opened.
Later I was having another conversation with another group of people about how we have to minister to the people in front of us. Discussing the importance of doing the small things with excellence. I wasn't talking about outreach, like going out in to the streets to set up a give away or something, but really taking notice of the people that God places right in front of us. Seeing the need and meeting it, or attempting to meet it in the best way we can.
As I look at Christ's ministry all through the Gospels, He never purposely set up a fish giveaway booth to feed the people. He didn't feed the people at His convenience, He was however moved with compassion as He went about His daily activities and meet the need, even when inconveneicned. There are many organizations that are set up to meet the need at their convenience. There is a place for nonprofits and governmental agencies, but Christ called the Church to stand up and take notice of the lost and dying world around us. Instead most of us live oblivious to the real needs that surround us.
God didn't ask us to set up a feeding ministry, He called us to be the Light. We have to go out and take notice of the people around us, to illuminate the darkness. The young parent that feels overwhelmed, the single adult that lonely, the working executive that is depressed. These people are in our path daily, but most of us don't take time to notice. we are too busy to be inconvenienced, even though it is our cross to bear. Christ is the answer to all problems. We want people to read "Our Book", but we are not willing to stop and read them. We are not willing to stop and hear where they are at. To look beyond the "OK" response to how they are doing and develop a relationship and take notice of the need.
Maybe we can't solve world hunger. But we can feed the one. Maybe we can't stop homelessness, but we can help the one. Maybe we can't prevent all suicide, but we can reach the one. Maybe we can prevent child abuse, but we can be the loving arms that helps bring healing. We may not have the physical resources to meet every need, but we can be the one taking notice. We can be knowledgeable of the resources in our community. We can be the hands and feet volunteering in those places to meet the needs.

I was sharing this interaction with some friends, they asked if it made me feel creepy or ill at ease as she shared these things. It didn't, because I know that most people who take time can read the things that she was able to see. I was able to share with her my Christian viewpoint, and I believe that is why the door was really opened.
Later I was having another conversation with another group of people about how we have to minister to the people in front of us. Discussing the importance of doing the small things with excellence. I wasn't talking about outreach, like going out in to the streets to set up a give away or something, but really taking notice of the people that God places right in front of us. Seeing the need and meeting it, or attempting to meet it in the best way we can.
Luke 9:48 (TLB) and said to them, “Anyone who takes care of a little child like this is caring for me! And whoever cares for me is caring for God who sent me. Your care for others is the measure of your greatness.”
As I look at Christ's ministry all through the Gospels, He never purposely set up a fish giveaway booth to feed the people. He didn't feed the people at His convenience, He was however moved with compassion as He went about His daily activities and meet the need, even when inconveneicned. There are many organizations that are set up to meet the need at their convenience. There is a place for nonprofits and governmental agencies, but Christ called the Church to stand up and take notice of the lost and dying world around us. Instead most of us live oblivious to the real needs that surround us.
God didn't ask us to set up a feeding ministry, He called us to be the Light. We have to go out and take notice of the people around us, to illuminate the darkness. The young parent that feels overwhelmed, the single adult that lonely, the working executive that is depressed. These people are in our path daily, but most of us don't take time to notice. we are too busy to be inconvenienced, even though it is our cross to bear. Christ is the answer to all problems. We want people to read "Our Book", but we are not willing to stop and read them. We are not willing to stop and hear where they are at. To look beyond the "OK" response to how they are doing and develop a relationship and take notice of the need.
Maybe we can't solve world hunger. But we can feed the one. Maybe we can't stop homelessness, but we can help the one. Maybe we can't prevent all suicide, but we can reach the one. Maybe we can prevent child abuse, but we can be the loving arms that helps bring healing. We may not have the physical resources to meet every need, but we can be the one taking notice. We can be knowledgeable of the resources in our community. We can be the hands and feet volunteering in those places to meet the needs.
It is time that the Church stands up and starts taking notice.
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
If you fear...Remember
There is nothing to fear but fear itself ~ Franklin D Roosevelt
He must have been a believer because other than the reverential fear of God we have nothing to fear.
When we find ourself fearful over a situation or thing, it is because we have taken our eyes off God.
We have allowed the circumstances surrounding us to become bigger in our site than God is. The truth is there is nothing bigger than our God.
If you fear the unknown
Remember that God knows everything
If you fear the dark
Remember God is light
If you fear being alone
Remember God will never leave you
If you fear speaking
Remember that God will give you the words
If you fear intimacy
Remember God desires to draw close to you
If you fear heights
Remember God is higher than the Heavens
If you fear rejection
Remember God chose you
If you fear death
Remember that in Christ, death has lost its sting
Thursday, February 19, 2015
I Just Simply Love You {Acceptance}
Imagine for a moment, that "I just simply love you" that was the thought that came to me as I was walking on the treadmill this morning. I admit I was looking at the over-sized card that my husband bought me for Valentine's Day, that I didn't appreciate. I hung it up, as a token of my guilt for not being appreciative so that I would spend thirty-minutes a day looking at it while I walk.
It's funny how God uses simple things to speak so profoundly in to our lives.The thought though wasn't from the card, although I do feel a little guilty when I look at it because of my response to my spouse (Maybe a little more now). It was as if God was speaking "I just simply love you." I realized in that moment (As I should have when my husband gave me the
card), that it is not in the grand gestures that love speaks, it is in
the simple things. That simple statement literally overwhelmed me.
I do not have to perform for God's love. He just simply loves me. I do not have to be perfect for God's love. He just simply loves me. When I can't compare with the talents of others, He just simply loves me.
There is nothing that I can do to make God love me more. When I was a wretched, unforgiven sinner, God simply loved me. When I prayed and asked for forgiveness, and for God to save me from my sin, God simply loved me. When I fail Him, God just simply loves me. When I do my very best, God just simply loves me. God's love is the most profound, and yet most simple form of acceptance. Despite me, He just simply loves me.
He just simply loves me, not because of who I am. He just simply loves me, because of who He is. He just simply loves me because He sees me through the perfect blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. He doesn't see my failures, my sin, and how far I still have to go. He simply loves me, because He is love. I don't have to do anything, because He did it all.
I don't believe in a perverted grace that says I can take what He did for granted and live as I please. But as I stood there looking at the words "I Just Simply Love You" I knew that I am loved. I am accepted.
This blog is prompted from Tuesday at Ten! The
Tuesday blog Link up where you have 1 full week to use the prompt word
to your liking! Whether it be just writing a story behind the prompt
word, or being as creative as you wish using photos, poems, art, or
graphics – whichever creative way you choose. You have 1 week to write
and link up your blog at the bottom of the page so that others can link
up with you. Be sure to visit your “link up” neighbor and spread the joy
of connection!

I do not have to perform for God's love. He just simply loves me. I do not have to be perfect for God's love. He just simply loves me. When I can't compare with the talents of others, He just simply loves me.
There is nothing that I can do to make God love me more. When I was a wretched, unforgiven sinner, God simply loved me. When I prayed and asked for forgiveness, and for God to save me from my sin, God simply loved me. When I fail Him, God just simply loves me. When I do my very best, God just simply loves me. God's love is the most profound, and yet most simple form of acceptance. Despite me, He just simply loves me.
He just simply loves me, not because of who I am. He just simply loves me, because of who He is. He just simply loves me because He sees me through the perfect blood of His Son, Jesus Christ. He doesn't see my failures, my sin, and how far I still have to go. He simply loves me, because He is love. I don't have to do anything, because He did it all.
I don't believe in a perverted grace that says I can take what He did for granted and live as I please. But as I stood there looking at the words "I Just Simply Love You" I knew that I am loved. I am accepted.
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